The best life: “Live like a local” abroad

Hey, what’s up my people? My name is Scott, surely you picked that up by now. I’m a constant world traveler in my second year of nonstop traveling, certainly living my best life. One goal of mine while traveling is to “live like a local” abroad, everywhere I go. I travel on a modest budget and often journey solo. Living modestly is an amazing way to connect, not only with locals and others, but with the realities of this world we live in. My roots are in USA, but most people I meet abroad never guess this. It’s a compliment, so, thank you!

My journey to live like a local

My journey of constant travel began in June of 2022. To be honest, my adventurous side was screaming at me to change things up from my life as an entrepreneur in USA. The traditional, daily grind and 9-5 mindset grew old. So, I took off to Europe for several months. Several months turned to an amazing year. Now, with zero plans to stop, I want to share with you how easy it is to travel! Not only this, I want to show you exactly how to do it, sharing tips for budget travel, living life on the go, making friends, meeting locals and my recommendations for the destinations you should not miss!

Typically month to month, I change destinations across the world while making spontaneous adventures and road trips in between. It’s an exciting life. The best life, offering thrills, adventure, new friends and perspectives. I’m constantly growing in every way, and you can too.

My style often brings me to flats or houses located within local neighborhoods, rather than hotels and resorts. My vibe, as I often tell people, is to “live like a local” in each place I visit while retaining my style and vibe, which you will see throughout this website and my socials.

Live like a Local

Living like a local means indulging local cuisine, befriending locals and neighbors, learning culture and language, supporting small markets, relaxing in popular dives, exploring nature, all with a spontaneous and open minded approach. As you can imagine, my goal is to experience the region as locals do, finding a useful routine with balance between work, fun and adventure. I emphasize doing all of this while respecting local norms and culture as I constantly travel the world. What excites me most, I undoubtedly believe the best moments are still ahead of me! Let’s go…

My style

As a minimalist, I work with what I have. A simpler lifestyle with little chaos, my dream come true. I do my writing on a MacBook. Videos and photos are largely captured from an iPhone. I hope to share my journey authentically, in such a way you feel a renewed excitement about our world, the people living in it and seeing as much of this as possible. We are here together, this isn’t changing soon.

Take advantage of this, learn a new perspective of what friends and family mean to you. Discover culture again, try new foods, sell your vehicle, work from the beach or a hammock in the mountains. This journey has treated me to places I’ve never dreamt or heard of. There is a place out there in the world for everyone, whether you choose to live like a local or not. Go find it!

My goals

Walking abandoned bobsled track sarajevo

With this blog, website and my social media, I’ll introduce new experiences and destinations, perhaps some you don’t know about. I’ll share tips for saving money during your travels. If you want to travel often and for an extended period, I have good news for you…it’s easy! Some budget travelers go months at a time on very small budgets. This includes airfare, housing, food, fun. Everything! Depending on tolerance levels, you can easily spend months and even a year traveling on a shoe-string budget. This mean very little money!

Traveling is a passion of mine. I cannot pass on the opportunity digital life offers to share the greatest moments of my life while sharing countless tips, recommendations and personal experiences. With this, I hope you are not only inspired to travel to other parts of the world, I hope you’ll embrace local culture, history and differing perspectives on your next journey abroad. Ideally, far from your current home! I invite you to connect with me. I’d be thrilled to hear about your travels, plans and experience.

scotts traveling

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